Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stuck in the slow lane today...

Ever feel like you are driving a lawnmower when everyone else is driving a sports car?
That's me today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lazy Saturday in late Oct...

We are having a lazy Saturday morning! The ex called at 5:30am to pick up my son. I got up to get him dressed and had 'just one cup of coffee' before sending him off. Planned to go back to bed but it was quiet, there was more coffee and I wanted to catch up on emails on the computer. Started researching jobs, plants, a favorite author and you know how that goes. Several hours later you look at the clock and think "Have I really wasted that much time?" Yes, I did!
As if in answer to my question I heard a car door slam outside. I peeked out the kitchen window and see two Jehovah's Witness followers coming toward the door. I used to be a little rude to get rid of them but now I actually listen to their presentation. I find them to be intelligent and more in touch with today's lifestyles than they used to be. The one woman has been here before and was surprised that I could answer some of her questions about life. I guess having lived a few more years than she has might give me a little more insight on some situations! Anyway, she comes back every 2-3 weeks, talks about Jehovah and leaves me little pamphlets or books to read.
But they leave and I go back to the computer to shut down windows I left open. One of them was this blog. I didn't realize how long it had been since I wrote anything so here I am, sharing my Saturday morning with you.
I want to do a little bragging... I have been working to get all of my college transcripts to UNI so I can transfer after graduating from HCC in December. I called admissions and asked if they had received them all so I could figure out my status for registration. The woman told me I am classified as a Senior! YES!!! But now the scary part--I have less time than I thought to decide how to shape all of these credits into a 4 year degree. Academic Advising was my next call. I have an appointment on Tuesday. I hope she has her crystal ball polished so she can tell me what to do with all of this stuff!
HCC has been quite a roller coaster ride for me. From the time I started until present day, I've changed my mind at least twice about the direction to take in classes. I really love horticulture and love working at the greenhouse. I'd love to own my own greenhouse or work as a grower but I'm not too sure how to break into the market or finance my dream.
I took a semester off of Hort to get most of my Gen Eds finished up. Now I will graduate with an AA, AS, a diploma, and a certificate. I'm carrying 19 hours this semester and doing work-study, plus I was offered 1-3 credits on an Honors Project of my choice. I'm feeling the pressure of this load this weekend and need to get busy with homework!
After researching jobs in the Ag or Hort field on government websites, I'm a little worried about finding the right job after UNI. Some business classes might be a good idea!
I see it is now noon so my lazy Saturday morning is officially over. Time to get busy with something constructive.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

For Comp 2 at HCC. Blogging for points

I need to blog for points for Comp2 at HCC. I will attempt to get back in the blogging groove! Should have done this long ago!!
As Poetlodge said, Writing creates writing and I need to do more. And a big congrats to all the Buchanan and Iowa poets published in this years Lyrical Iowa!! Oh, yes, I'm one of them...;-)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye'08, Hello'09

The last day of '08: We got up early (6am) and drove to Iowa City to the University Hospitals for a check up for both of my children. We see a doctor for some behavior issues caused by the kids' bio mom's drug and alcohol problems. It was a real test to get there without stopping at McD's or other fast food places at the insistence of my son. He is hooked on fast food and it's a challenge to take him anywhere. I only stop for occasional treats but I think his dad takes him out to eat most of the time. He's learning that that isn't acceptable with mom but he still tries. We approached one town with clearly visible Golden Arches. He meekly asked if we could stop. I said no we weren't, maybe AFTER the appointment. He held his breath until we got just passed the exit ramp and then let go with a kicking , screaming, crying fit. I pulled off onto the shoulder of the interstate and waited until he calmed down. Of course I also said if this continues there will be NO stopping for lunch ANYWHERE. A long trip to and from Iowa City without food. He finally calmed down and apologized. This was the start of a major headache that carried thru the day. The appointment went fairly well and we headed out to find a place for lunch. No Steak 'N Shake close by. Didn't want Applebees. Sonic looked good but we mistakenly followed a car into the storage units right next to the Sonic drive in and had to retrack into the correct driveway. We parked and walked in the near ZERO temperatures to the door only to find out they want everyone to call in from the drive up menus OUTSIDE. No thank you!! Besides my van windows don't work due to an ice build up and resulting bent interior parts. I was not in a real good mood towards fast food at that point! We went to HyVee and ate at their deli. Really good food at really good prices! Of course the kids only ate 1/3 of their plates but that made for more take home. I have to say if you are really hungry but don't know what you want, go to a HyVee deli! Lots of choices, FRIENDLY service, and good prices. We saw construction workers, families, "suits" all eating together. What does that tell you about the place? Positive feed back!!! So after using the CLEAN restrooms and viewing the cake department (really neat custom made cakes for all occasions!) we went down the street to the Salvation Army store. Found some good bargains and met a friendly woman who talked to me and the kids every time we got close to each other in the store. She said she had bought $100 worth of furniture there recently. While we were talking , she found a large stand up jewelry box (4' high?) priced at $90. We both thought that was high until I pointed out that it had a red sticker, which made it 75% off! $22.50-not bad for that size! We found new but damaged package toys for less than a third of normal price. Anyway, a fun place to shop and bargain hunt.
We got back to our home town and I stopped at the grocery store, post office, pharmacy(closed), then called the ex to see what his plans were. He said he's meet us for supper but he was planning to stay in town to party with his friends for New Years. Guess we're too boring for him. We told him" see ya next year" after supper and left him to his own destruction. Went home and fell asleep at 9PM with head colds and jut being tired after the long day of travel. Maybe we are boring!! He wanted us all to go to church together today. Sorry, we're not pretending to be a family at church anymore. He needs to decide what he wants and stay with it. I don't feel like it's THIS family at this point. He took my son to church with him and MIGHT watch the Hawkeyes in their bowl game here later. I think it's going to be "too noisy and cluttered" for him. The bar will probably be a better choice than the family room! We'll see....
I'm hoping this year is more positive than last. My fortune cookie from HyVee said "Your luck has changed today". Here's hoping... Happy New Year to all.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I just figured out how to link to other blogs...

I want to make a list of blogs that I follow and would like others to read.
Right now I want to show those that deal with the country of Haiti.
I've been doing "copy" and "paste" of blog addresses to get them on my list.

I've added a few but I wish others would put the "Follow This Blog" item on their pages.
Just click on that item-- if it's there-- and you can leave your name on their blog and link to it so you can find it again.
Forgive me, I'm new at this and find new gadgets is just like Christmas to me!

Another icy day

Yesterday we went to my sister's for my family's Christmas. Almost everyone was there. My niece, who is painfully shy, did not show up. We missed her! My parents, both in their 80's, all 6 of their children and spouses/friends, 8 of 9 grandchildren (and 5 spouses) and 5 great grandchildren filled the house. Lots of food, lots of pictures taken, lots of catching up. We went through my mom's photo albums and discussed different times and people in our family history. Younger members are now becoming interested in the stories which are told and retold for their benefit and ours.
The roads were pure ice but we all managed to slide into town and gather as a family. My brother was called out on his county road job to sand and salt. He took in a good meal and talked to everyone before he left. He missed the photo session of grand kids, great grands, family groups and candid shots but he made my trip home much safer. His route brings him along my stretch of "cement road". It's labeled as a "farm to market" road so it gets priority in maintenance. A now deceased neighbor fought for that many years ago when he was on the county board of supervisors. Thank you, D. F.!!!
Today, Sunday, the melted ice from yesterday has frozen and is covered with a light blanket of new snow. Clean, extremely cold and slippery. Many of the local churches are canceling services. Not mine but I'm not going to brave the roads to get there. I'm holed up in my slightly drafty but cozy house with my daughter. My son stayed overnight "in town" with his dad. I think I'll put a ham in the crock pot and fix mashed potatoes and a vegetable to graze on later today.
It's hard to believe another year is coming to an end! My "babies" are nearly teenagers and a few more lines are showing on my face. I think about plans I had for my life and then think about how they've changed. Some disappointments but for the most part, I like where I am.
I need to regain my momentum and finish college. A year or two left, depending how well I do this next semester. I actually flunked one course in the Fall semester. A painful first for me. I want to throw blame on someone but I know some of the problem was mine. Weather, family problems and some very strict course guidelines crashed and burned into a snowball effect. I find the "no excuses" policy as pretty harsh. In the working world, which is what college is supposed to prepare us for, I'd have family leave, vacation and sick days that would have covered at least some of my absences.
My resolution list for the coming year includes to become more organized and learn to communicate better and ask more questions. Say "thank you" more often, even for the little things. Do more for myself rather than what I think other people want me to do! And learn to say "no" more often to things that just won't work for me & my family.
Friday, I took the kids and went to the college campus to water the greenhouse. I volunteered to do this once a week and it's one of my favorite duties! To walk among growing plants when snow is piling up outside is a real boost to this nature mom's soul! Most of the racks on one side of the structure, hold assorted house plants, perennials waiting for spring or seedling that will become next years sale items. The other side holds four rows of some what tropical plants that are babysat for a small fee during the winter. I enjoy walking through these and imagining I'm in their native, WARM-HOT climate! Simple pleasures! A few ragged poinsettias remained on the racks. They almost look as though they know their time is limited. If they have a spirit in them, as some cultures believe, then they know they've made me happier just to look at them. Their existence is not a waste. An hour or two in this environment lifts my chilly gloom and I'm good for another few days.
I said I wouldn't water the greenhouse this coming semester but then I signed up for work study to get a little extra money, so maybe I will. It wouldn't bother me at all. One of my dreams is to someday own my own greenhouse/nursery. Better learn all I can when I have the chance!
Enough for today.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day thoughts

All of the presents have been opened, the food consumed and the wrappings and dishes wait for the big clean up.
I am looking for a nice place to sit or lie or collapse and relax. Let the belt out another notch and sleep like a bear!
Snow storm approaches bringing more cold weather and treacherous driving. I would like to just nail the "cabin door" shut and hibernate but the kids and dogs and goats will have none of that talk.

Still waiting for that REASONABLE job offer in a warmer climate.
Arturo, wing walking is not appealing to me at this stage of my life! I'd be more inclined to refuel the plane than to stand on the wing Way Up There!!!! I want to ask "Are you CRAZY???" but I already know the answer.
Thanks for offering a solution, though.
Off to the couch I go. More later.